Tag Archives: Wee School

How things are going.

17 Sep

We’ve been in SC for almost three months now and for the most part everything is great! I love love staying at home with my babies, even though I really miss Aaron since he’s on nights. The fact that he’ll do this so I can stay home still amazes me. I’m one lucky woman.

Addy is in her 3rd week of Wee School and the crying is slowly getting better. Her teachers tell me that she stops crying about 30 seconds after I leave, but she always starts as soon as we pull into the parking lot. Lately she’ll cry but walk herself into her classroom. I guess she wants to go but doesn’t want to admit it haha. My precious girl.

Samuel is growing like a weed. He sits up for just a little bit on his own here and there. But he’s rolling everywhere, grabbing everything, and even trying to get up on his hands and knees! He’s so long and lean too, the exact opposite of how A was as a baby.

Living in a house with 5 other people has it’s hectic days, but for the most part it’s going really smoothly. It’s nice to have some adult conversation after being with littles all day, or in the evening when Aaron’s not home. And it’s nice splitting bills to help each of us pay off debts and save up some money for our families.

I just got me a new pair of tennis shoes:


Sorry if that picture came out weird, I’m using the WordPress app and it’s just a little…different.

Anyways. I’m really wanting to get back into running. Several pre-baby years ago I was getting to be a really good runner. I loved it. Then we moved away from my mom (my exercise buddy), and started trying for our first baby, and it just got put on the back burner.

But now I want to start up again. I’m doing a 5k next month (in 6 weeks) and have got to get out on that pavement!! I think I may do the Couch to 5k, just to get me back into the swing of it. It worked for me last time!

Any-who, enough rambles!!! Hope things are all well in your lives too!

What the….

31 Aug

Crap Crap Crap. I had a whole post typed out and I hit the wrong button and BOOM, erased.  Gah, sometimes technology is not your friend.

Basically, I had started a new blog here about Aaron & I moving to South Carolina but  I have since decided to just meld that one into this one. Be patient with me as I get this done!

Addy starts Wee School this week. My little baby is almost 2 years old!

Samuel is 6 months old and grows more everyday.

We still haven’t sold our house. We got an offer on it and told our realtor we accepted but since then we’ve kind of been left hanging. Bleh.

I’ve been on a major diabetes/healthy stuff burnout. Like a I-can’t-even-talk-about-it-lest-I-be-shamed burnout. Trying to think of my little family and get back on the right track. I don’t go to see my new Endo until November so at least I have a little time to try to reign this in and skip a really bad first impression.

Any suggestions on how to get back on track??